Custom Research for Wireless Technology Standard Essential Patents
Wireless Technology Standard Essential Patents as Monetization Assets
A standard essential patent (SEP) is a key intellectual property rights (IPRs) for the implementation of the standardized technology specifications. SEPs encompass IPRs for the essential aspect of standardized technologies. Usually, all the essential aspects of standardized technologies are specified in standard technology specifications. Thus, SEPs can be defined as patents that include one or more claims that are infringed by the implementation of certain standard specifications. To facilitate interoperability among the industry players, participants in the development of standards establish specifications for the essential components of the standardized technology. Consequently, all the standard-compliant products that implement the standardized technologies specified in the standard technology will infringe SEPs. The main advantage of SEPs is their easy-of-proof of patent infringement characteristic. Therefore SEPs are the most important monetization assets for extracting maximum ROI from operating profitable licensing program in wireless technology industry.
Wireless Technology Standard Essential Patents Candidates Data
The standard setting organizations (SSOs) require that the members participating in the standardization process to agree ex ante to license their SEPs under fair, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory (FRAND) terms ex post to any implementers of the standard. The members’ agreements to license their SEPs under FRAND terms are usually called FRAND commitments. Recently, the U.S. courts provided basic guidelines for assessing FRAND royalty for SEPs to comply with FRAND commitments. One of the key factures in evaluating FRAND royalty according to the courts guidelines is the number of licensor’s SEPs compare to the total number of SEPs in a specific standard. Thus, it is very important to know the total number of SEPs in a specific standard and individual licensor's SEP share in number to operate successful licensing program. Wireless Technology Standard Essential Patents Candidates Data is a product of TechIPm, based on specific standard related patents research for US market leader. Wireless Technology Standard Essential Patents Candidates Data provides the potential SEP candidates information selected through essentiality evaluation process.
For more information, please contact Dr. Alex G. Lee at alexglee@techipm.com